
Hello! My name is Justin Guthrie, I am currently getting my bachelor's degree in graphic design at Pennsylvania College of Technology. My whole life I wanted to work in a creative field and while in college I fell in love with web design. Outside of school and work, I am a highly motivated person, who is constantly working on passion projects and keeping up with the latest Star Wars shows. Also whenever I can I'm adding to the tattoo collection. I believe I am a perfect fit for any company looking for a young, fun, and enthusiastic person who is impatiently waiting for House of the Dragon season 2.
 All of the work displayed here was selected by me and is what I think is my best work. If you have any questions about other projects, or employment options, or are just interested in my work please feel free to contact me. Thank you so much for visiting my site and I hope you enjoy my work.

Email: justinguthrie2009@gmail.com